Resource library

Video resources

Learn new tips, strategies, property details and more for your bid. Created by an AA Pilot and previous PBS Helpdesk instructor who has reviewed 10,000+ bids.
Video Series
1:20 min

Bid Checklist Overview

Learn a little about our Bid Checklist.
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1:16 min

Vacation Pay Calculator Overview

Get a look into how the Vacation Pay Calculator works.
Watch video
2:07 min

Manual Plus+ Overview

Get a look into how the Manual Plus+ works.
Watch video
1:59 min

BidGrid Overview

Get a look into how BidGrid works.
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2:55 min

BidGrid Update

Watch our latest update to BidGrid.
Watch video
2:14 min

How to Sharpshoot your Bid

Learn how to sharpshoot your bid.
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1:32 min

Leaving a Layer Blank Strategy

Learn about leaving a layer blank strategy.
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2:21 min

How to Create Vacation

Learn strategy on how to create vacation.
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1:39 min

Commuter Strategy: The Pairing Side

Learn strategies for the commuter.
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4:26 min

Commuter Strategy: The Line Side

Learn strategies for the commuter.
Watch video
3:41 min

Alternating Between Line and Reserve Strategy

Learn about alternating between Line and Reserve for your bidding strategy.
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Days Off
4:25 min

Maximize Total Days off vs. Minimize TAFB

Learn more about Maximize Total Days off vs Minimize TAFB.
Watch video
2:37 min

Reserve Strategies

Learn some Reserve strategies.
Watch video
2:03 min

Understanding the Big Calendar

Understand more about how the Big Calendar works in PBS.
Watch video
6:21 min

Understanding PBS from 10,000 ft

Learn fundamental concepts about how PBS works.
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